Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hi it's tax day 2008!
Why is this a day that always seems to sneak up on us like the dreaded birthdays? We know April 15th comes each year, and yet to always seems to be a surprise.
What does this have to do with anything you ask...good question...
Many commercial real estate owners and investors don't worry about April 15th and for good reason. Most business owners can write off a slew of items on their taxes as legitimate write offs for business purposes.
So, you say, why should I care? Again, good question. There is a reason to get into business for yourself, the most immediate is the tax savings. There is a way to get into a great business venture, with very little of your own money invested. Doesn't this sound great? Yeah, I though so.
The way is to become a Property Scout with NACREPS. How do you do this??
Go to
and sign up! Being a property scout is a great way to make a lot of money and be able to have a business to be able to write off -- legitimately-- many of your business expenses, thus saving you money in the long run. Plus, you get to "play" in the commercial real estate arena and not have to shell out the big bucks to pay for the land or the building!
I know of Property Scouts from all over the United States and even a few in Canada! They are having fun and learning about a whole new way to make some great cash!
So don't you owe it to yourself to check out
to see how you too can save on your taxes for next tax day 2009?
You will thank me when you too can save a boat load off your taxes this year. Have fun, be adventurous, expand your thoughts and become a Property Scout with me!
Till next time...


ROBERT said...

Good Day,
I,ve search for those who read RICHDAD books, I saw that you already did and I Thank you for that.
I would like invite you to read some of my posts about my current views..
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Ms. Miller

You mention that you work as a Commercial Property Scout for NACREPS, and have been doing that for the last few years. Did they actually buy any of the properties you showed them, they they buy those properties, did you make money.

I am interested in becoming a Commercial Property Scout, and was hoping that someone like yourself
who has been doing this for some time can provide some feedback.

Please let me know.

I'll wait for your reply.

Your time is appreciated.

Thank You.
Frank R.